DNA May family #3
The MAY Family
Descendants of George MAY
Brock’s Gap, Rockingham County, VA
b. 1755.
Haplogroup R
- Once thought to be German origins, new evidence points to Ireland
- This family has been validated with two distant cousins descended from different brothers who were sons of George MAY.
- Their results on a 37-marker test show one mutation. This is from six transmission events for one testee and seven transmission events for the other testee.
- This is HG 1.
- They are 34/37 and 35/37 to family 64 who are not thought to be of German origins. Enrique is testee 1 (FTDNA kit 1596) and Keith is testee 2 (FTDNA kit 3227).
- This family is 12/12 to family 160 for Enrique and 11/12 for Keith.
- Also 103/111 to family180.
- Also 37/37 for Keith to family 196 and 36/37 for Enrique to family 196.
- Keith is 25/25 to family 246 and Enrique is 63/67 to family 246.
- Also testee 1 is 107/111 to family 297, and testee 2 is 109/111 to family 297.
DNA May family #64
The MAY family descended from William May, b ca 1766 in either England or Ireland who m Elizabeth Blackmoore 10/30/1796 in Taunton, Somerset, England. They had 5 children, the eldest, John, b 4/7/1797 in the same parish, is the one the researcher is descended from. Wm., Elizabeth and the 5 children came to the USA aboard the ship Orion, landing in New York 8/21/1820. The family lost Elizabeth somehow prior to settling in Beaver County, PA. This is R1b and 35/37 to researcher Keith MAY, Family 3, testee 1 and 34/37 to Family 3, testee 2. It is 12/12 for family 160. Also 35/37 to family 180 and 37/37 to family 196. Also 25/25 to family 246
DNA May family #160
May ancestors of Dale May. He is 12/12 to family 3 testee 2 and 11/12 to family 3 testee 1, and 12/12 to family 64. This individual would need an expanded test to determine if he is closely related to these families.
DNA May family #180
The May family descended from Robert May, a Teacher in northern Ireland from around Garvagh in Londonderry. His son was John May and was born in Ireland, and his son was Patrick Maxwell May and was born in Rhodesia in 1916. The researcher believes Robert May went to Ireland from England but can’t find any information to support this. The researcher notes that three of John May’s brothers went to America & Canada in the early 1900s. This family is 35/37 to family 64 and 32/37 and 33/37 to family 3. Also 103/111 to family 3 testee 1. Also 61/67 to family 246.
Researcher: Peter May
DNA May family #196
The MAY family descendents of George MAY of Brock’s Gap, Rockingham County, VA b. 1755. See family 3 for more details. This individual is 35/37 to family 3 testee 2 and Family 64, and 34/37 to family 3 testee 1. Also 25/25 to family 246.
Researcher: Jeff May
DNA May family #246
The May ancestors of Charles May. This family is 25/25 to families 3 testee 2, 64 and 196. It is 63/67 to families 3 testee 1 and 61/67 to 180.
DNA May family #297
May ancestors of David May. This family is 65/67 to families 3 testee 2 and 246, 63/67 to families 3 testee 1 and 180, and 37/37 to family 64, and 35/37 to family 196